Vocalic R Worksheets for Speech

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Add these Vocalic R Worksheets to your speech therapy collection of printables for practice.

Add these Vocalic R Worksheets to your speech therapy collection of printables for practice.

This is another free resource for teachers and families from www.freewordwork.com.

I have created these free Vocalic R Worksheets for speech therapy to help children work on speech sounds.

This set was a request from a speech therapist – if there are other resources you would find helpful, please let me know!

If you are looking for practice at home with your child while they are not receiving services at school, these might be helpful for you.

Add these Vocalic R Worksheets to your speech therapy collection of printables for practice.

What are Vocalic R Words?

These worksheets are different than the other worksheets found in my phonics collection.

These pages specifically focus on speech sounds – not repeated letter patterns.

The vocalic r words contain a vowel or vowel pair followed by an r. These pages focus on the sounds ar, air, er, ere, ire and or.

Because of this, the letter combinations on the focus pages will be in quotation marks. For example, one page has “or” at the top. The words on this page contain words with or and other words with other letter combinations that will make the same sound.

The or page contains the words sword and dinosaur – even though the “or” sound in dinosaur is not made by an or combination.

About these Vocalic R Worksheets

This set contains 16 free pages. The pages are set up in three different formats.

My idea is that each page contains pictures and words that the child and teacher can work on together. All of the words focus on vocalic r sounds.

After pronouncing the words together, there is an activity the child can complete independently.

Or, the page could be sent home for the child to complete the activity with a parent as part of continuing practice.

The first set contains a row of pictures. Children will draw the line between the picture and the word.

The second set contains one sound. There are then words with matching pictures containing the sound. After practicing the words, students can color the pictures. They might circle the letter combination that produces the sound.

The final two pages list the focus sounds at the top. Children will use the color key to color the pictures according to the directions.

You can download this free set of Vocalic R Worksheets here:

Speech Pages

Looking for other free resources? Try these:

Thank you to Speech Doodles and Hidesy’s for the clip art used in creating this set.

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