These CVC Find & Color Worksheets will give your children practice with identifying word families.

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Download these free CVC Find & Color pages to help your children with consonant, vowel, consonant words.
Add this set of worksheets to your collection of pages for phonics practice in your home or classroom.

What are CVC Words?
If you are new to phonics instruction, you will need to first know what CVC words are.
CVC words have three letters. They begin with a consonant, have a vowel and then a final consonant.
These are simple words that are good for students to practice when they are first beginning to read. One benefit of CVC words is that you can find many with pictures to accompany the word. This can open up a whole world of possibilities when it comes to practicing the words.
To practice without pencil and paper, you might give your child a CVC word like cat. They will then tell you words they can think of that end in -at. They might name bat, rat, sat or mat. If they share a word that is not a real word, be sure to ask them if the word they names is a real or nonsense word.
A few of the words included on these pages begin with blends so they have four letters instead of three.
About these CVC Find & Color Worksheets
You will find a total of 12 different pages, each is provided in 2 formats.
Each page has a word family listed in the middle. Around the edges you will find pictures.
The first set has the words next to the pictures. The second set does not include the words.
To complete the pages, students will color the pictures that belong to the word family.
They will then write three words belonging to the word family at the bottom.
If you are looking to extend these pages, you might ask your children to circle the word family base in each word. For example, on the -at page, students will circle -at in the words belonging to that family.
You can download this free set of CVC Find & Color Worksheets here:
Looking for additional CVC resources? Try these:
Thank you to Marcelle’s KG Zone and Kinka Art for the CVC clip art.