This collection of space word lists can be used as a tool for your writers in the classroom.
You will find two space word lists to copy and use for your students.
These are designed to be a free resource for teachers and homeschool families.

You will find two different word lists. The first is written for primary students. The second was created with older students in mind. Choose the version that fits your students or give students both options.
The following words can be found the first list:
- asteroid
- astronaut
- astronomy
- black hole
- comet
- constellation
- crater
- dawn
- dusk
- earth
- eclipse
- explore
- galaxy
- gravity
- Jupiter
- light year
- lunar
- Mars
- Mercury
- meteor
- moon
- Neptune
- night sky
- orbit
- phase
- planet
- Pluto
- rocket
- satellite
- Saturn
- shooting star
- shuttle
- solar system
- space
- space station
- space suit
- star
- sun
- telescope
- universe
- Uranus
- Venus
The following space words are found on the second list:
- asteroid
- astronaut
- astronomy
- atmosphere
- aurora
- axis
- black hole
- comet
- constellation
- crater
- dawn
- daytime
- dusk
- dwarf planet
- earth
- eclipse
- explore
- full moon
- galaxy
- gas giant
- gravity
- Jupiter
- light year
- lunar
- Mars
- mercury
- meteor
- Milky Way
- moon
- nebula
- Neptune
- new moon
- night sky
- northern lights
- orbit
- phase
- planet
- Pluto
- radiation
- rocket
- rover
- satellite
- Saturn
- shooting star
- shuttle
- solar flare
- solar system
- space
- space station
- space suit
- spacecraft
- star
- sun
- telescope
- twilight
- universe
- Uranus
- vacuum
- Venus
- zero gravity
You can download the space word lists here:
This is a free resource created for teachers and homeschool families. You may print and reproduce for your home and classroom. You do not have permission to modify and sell these materials. They are intended to be free for all. You may link to this post. You may not host the PDF on your site