Entomologist Booklet

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Add this reading and activity entomologist booklet to your classroom during your study of insects.

Add this reading and activity entomologist booklet to your classroom during your study of insects.

This entomologist booklet is designed to give your students a quick introduction to entomology.

It can be a great option to add to your literacy work during your study of insects.

This is another free resource for teachers and families from www.freewordwork.com.

Add this reading and activity entomologist booklet to your classroom during your study of insects.

What is an entomologist?

An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects and arthropods (spiders and scorpions.)

Insects can be a popular topic in the classroom – add a career choice for your students who are engaged in this learning!

At this age, obviously goals will change but this provides a great opportunity for children to explore new options they might not have heard about.

Finding out what an entomologist does might be the hook one of your bug-loving students needs!

About this entomologist booklet

This booklet is not as simple as some books found on my site. It does not have a phonics focus or repetitive text. It is designed to be used to teach children about a science topic.

This does not mean that you cannot make it work for student learning to read that would be motivated by reading about insects!

You can have students partner up to read and complete the activities as needed. It might also work as a group task at a literacy center. Students can support each other in their reading.

Some students might benefit from taking one page at a time. They can circle or underline the words they need help with. Afterwards, have them ask an adult or classmate for help with those words.

Creating your booklets

Begin by printing the pages front to back – this will help you save paper!

Next, cut the pages in half.

You will then stack the pages and staple on the left.

Your booklets are ready to go!

You can download this free entomology booklet here:

Reading Download

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