These pages can be used for taking commonly confused words notes.
Having a spot for students to record commonly confused words notes can be a helpful way for students to remember different meanings.
These pages are another free download for teachers and homeschool families from

Commonly confused words notes
I created these pages for students to use for notetaking.
They are designed to provide students with room to write and draw about the meanings of words.
There are a few different versions for you to choose from.
Students can add in pictures that reflect the meaning of each word along with a quick definition to explain the meaning. This can help students remember the meaning of each.
Also, this can be added to student notebooks as a resource they can look at if they are stuck when trying to determine the correct word to use in their writing.
These pages include:
A set of two pages that have larger boxes. students can write the words they need to practice in the boxes.
The next set is similar to the first, it has smaller boxes so students can include more words.
The final set has three pages. It has words already entered in the boxes. There are a few extra spots at the bottom for additional words to be added. You can include an additional of the blank pages if needed.
You can download these pages by clicking on the blue pencil below: